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The ATO have once again increased the Superannuation Guarantee rate to 11.5% from 1 July 2024 Please click here for further information

On February 26 the ATO will be joining the SBSCH service to their online services Business Portal.  For more information on what you need to do to prepare for these changes please click here.

If you are an employer or have a Self-Managed Superannuation Fund now is the time to make sure you are finalising your Superstream preparations.  Click here for more information.

Want to know the proportion of SMSFs with fund balances below $200,000; between $200,000 and $1m and above $1m? Click here to find out.

More than $17.7 billion is currently held in 6.1 million lost and unclaimed superannuation accounts – all waiting to be claimed.  The ATO’s superseeker tool can assist in locating lost super and repatriating it with its rightful owner.  The tool is located at ato.gov.au/superseeker.  Changes are currently underway (not yet finalised) to change the timing and circumstances under which super monies will be transferred from a super fund to the ATO as lost superannuation.

Highlights the measure introduced on 7 August 2012 as part of the suite of measures announced within the Governments Stronger Super initiative.

Click here for more information

ASIC has released a report in relation to the costs of operating SMSFs

Click here for more information

ATO Summary of changes to super for 2014/15 financial year

Click here for more information


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